Our Newsletter- SPECIAL EDITION 2020

Dear Neighbourhood Watch supporters,

We continue to think about you all at this difficult time. In response we hope you have been able to connect with your neighbours to support each other through this crisis.

At Neighbourhood Watch we have seen a 25% increase in membership. We have published a special edition of ‘Our News’ (the e-newsletter for Neighbourhood Watch supporters) to welcome our new members, look at how Neighbourhood Watch brings communities together, ways existing groups are supporting their communities through the COVID-19 pandemic and more things you can do such as establishing a phone tree, and how to avoid and report crimes and scams.

Read the e-newsletter by following this link https://www.ourwatch.org.uk/sites/default/files/documents/2020-04/Special%20Edition%20Our%20News%20newsletter.pdf.

Keep safe, stay at home.

NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH NETWORK | Building Safer and Stronger Communities
Email: enquiries@ourwatch.org.uk

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ourwatch
Twitter: https://twitter.com/N_watch
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neighbourhood.watch.insta/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/neighbourhood-watch/
Website: https://www.ourwatch.org.uk

Original Message Sent By
Deborah Waller (NWN, Multi Scheme Administrator, England and Wales)

DVLA SMS Scam is persistant

A timely reminder from one of our NHW members about the continuing DVLA text scam offering a refund, please see a copy of text received below.

The DVLA would never text you in this way asking for you to click on a link, so if you get these, please do not click on the link and just delete. The link is to obtain your personal data/bank account details etc.

If you ever get any unsolicited text messages or emails offering refunds etc. or promises of money or threats of fines asking you to click on a link, do not do it.


Finally, please make sure you are reporting all scams to Action Fraud. Action Fraud contact details – telephone 0300 123 2040 or website https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/

#StaySafe #KeepWell # NeighbourhoodWatch #Community